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Saxo does not offer MetaTrader (MT4) platform. Please try a free demo of our SaxoTraderPRO and SaxoTraderGO platforms. The tradeoff is between mobility and cross-device functionality on one side and professional-level trading power on the other. You can read more about Saxo platforms here.

SaxoTraderGO is a cross device online trading platform - Trade and control your investments moving seamlessly between devices Unfortunately your device is not supported. The trading platform only supports iPhones running iOS 7 and later, Android phones running Android 4 and later, Windows phones running Windows 8 and later and BlackBerry 10. Saxo Bank A/S is a fully licensed and regulated Danish bank with an online trading platform that empowers you to invest across global financial markets. Login to your trading account. SaxoTraderGO is a cross device online trading platform - Trade and control your investments moving seamlessly between devices 6/27/2017 · Aprenda a utilizar la mejor plataforma de intercambio de activos financieros. Download SaxoTrader for Demo Trading ; Please be aware that you can only use the above links if you already have either a Live Trading Account or a Demo Account with us. If you don´t have an account yet you can apply for one here: Open Live trading account Open demo trading account You can also visit our Account FAQ for further assistance

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Login to your trading account. SaxoTraderGO is a cross device online trading platform - Trade and control your investments moving seamlessly between devices.

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